Carmelo Bene’s Shakespeare
UPDATE (8 September 2021):
A recording of this event is now available on the
#lockdownshakespeare YouTube channel.
Raphael d’Abdon presents a seminar on Italian theatre and film maker Carmelo Bene, concluding with a focus on Bene's engagement with Shakespeare. Dr d'Abdon is introduced by Tsikinya-Chaka Centre director, Chris Thurman.
The Tsikinya-Chaka Centre, the Department of English and the Department of Italian Studies (School of Literature, Language and Media, Wits University) invite you to join an online seminar presented by Raphael d’Abdon.
DATE: Monday, 6 September 2021
TIME: 18:00 (South African Standard Time)
Dr. d’Abdon will discuss selected works by this understudied Italian filmmaker and dramatist, paying attention to his unique engagement with Shakespeare and in particular his adaptations of Hamlet and Macbeth.
To register for the event and to receive Zoom details, click here
Raphael d’Abdon teaches English literature at the Courtney International College (Pretoria) and is Honorary Research Fellow at the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC, Pretoria). His research focuses on South African poetry, spoken word poetry, poetic inquiry and poetry therapy. He is a member of ZAPP (The South African Poetry Project) and IPP (International Poetry Project), two joint projects of the University of Cambridge, UNISA and the University of the Witwatersrand. He is the author of three collections of poems, sunnyside nightwalk (2013), salt water (2016) and the bitter herb (2018), and a volume of his Selected poems/Poesie scelte (2010-2020) will be published in a bilingual edition (English/Italian) by Besa in 2021. He is the poetry editor of the literary magazine BKO and represents South Africa on the Africa Haiku Network (AHN).
Supported by the NIHSS